Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Peoples Republic of ChinaZhnghu Rnmn GnghguAnthem Area controlled by the Peoples Republic of China shown in dark green claimed but uncontrolled regions shown in light green. Download Microsoft Server Speech Platform Runtime X64 Or X86 there. Capital. Beijinga3. N1. 162. 3E 3. N 1. E 3. Largest city. Shanghai1Official languages. Standard Chinese2bRecognised regional languages. Official written language. Vernacular Chinese. Official script. Simplified Chinese2Ethnic groups. Demonym. Chinese. Government. Socialist, Single party state4  Party General Secretary and President. Xi Jinpingd  Premier. Li Keqiang  Congress Chairman. Zhang Dejiang  Conference Chairman. Yu Zhengsheng  First ranked Secretary of the Secretariat. Liu Yunshan  Secretary of Discipline Inspection Commission. Wang Qishan  First Vice Premier. Zhang Gaoli. Legislature. National Peoples Congress. Formation  First Unification of China under the Qin Dynasty. BCE   Republic established. January 1. 91. 2   Peoples Republic proclaimed. September 1. 94. 9678 Area  Total. Water 0. 2. 8fPopulation  2. Density. 20. 13  1. Area controlled by the Peoples Republic of China shown in dark green claimed but uncontrolled regions shown in light green. Tabtight professional, free when you need it, VPN service. Movie script Forrest Gump Movie script imsdb. Sounds The Trailer 42 MB movielist. Forrest Gump, directed by. Noregistration upload of files up to 250MB. Not available in some countries. Here you can find worksheets and activities for teaching Kung Fu Panda to kids, teenagers or adults, beginner intermediate or advanced levels. Scripts AC Scripts DJ Scripts KR Scripts SZ. Movie Script Title Click To Read Script Type File Size K2. First Draft. pdf. XI3mH3DcbUE/ULSBxYpr5gI/AAAAAAAAAQM/8LxmyC3rfDk/s1600/a+sad+kitty.jpg' alt='Kung Fu Panda 2 Script Pdf' title='Kung Fu Panda 2 Script Pdf' />Kung Fu Panda 2 Script PdfGDP PPP2. Total1. Per capita1. GDP nominal2. 01. Total1. 1. 2. 12 trillion1. Per capita8,1. 541. Gini 2. 01. 25. HDI 2. Currency. Renminbi yuang CNYTime zone. China Standard TimeUTC8Date format. Drives on therighthCalling code8. Internet TLDChina simplified Chinese traditional Chinese Pinyin Zhnggu is a culturalregion, an ancientcivilization, and a nation in East Asia. The last Chinese Civil War 1. The land controlled by either the PRC or the ROC is altogether known as Greater China. China has one of the worlds oldest civilizations and has the oldest continuous civilization. It has archaeological evidence over 5,0. It also has one of the worlds oldest writing systems and the oldest in use today, and is viewed as the source of many major inventions. The first recorded use of the word China is dated 1. It is derived from chn, a Persian adjective meaning Chinese which was popularized in Europe by Marco Polo. Ancient China was one of the first civilizations and was active since the 2nd millennium BC as a feudalsociety. Chinese civilization was also one of the few to invent writing,2. Mesopotamia, the Indus Valley civilization, the Maya civilization, the Minoan civilization of ancient Greece, and Ancient Egypt. It reached its golden age during the Tang Dynasty c. A. D. 1. 0th century. Home of Confucianism and Daoism, it had great influence on nearby countries including Japan, Korea, and Vietnam in the areas of political system, philosophy, religion, art, writing and literature. Windows Autotune Program on this page. China is home to some of the oldest artwork in the world. Statues and pottery, as well as decorations made of jade, are some classic examples. Before the Qin Dynasty united China, there were hundreds of small states that fought each other for hundreds of years in a war to control China. This is known as the Warring States Period. Although the continuing wars made people suffer, it was at this time when many great philosophies were born, including Confucianism and Daoism. Confucianism and Daoism alone have been the foundation of many social values seen in modern eastern Asian cultures today. Its geography mostly looked like that of modern China, except with northern and western edges that varied. It was often attacked by northern nomadic people such as the Turkic peoples and the Mongols led by Genghis Khan and Kublai Khan. During the history of ancient China, the northern nomadic people and the Chinese people had been fighting each other and taking turns to rule the land and the people of China. However, when the northern people beat the Chinese people and came to rule the kingdom, they also Incorporated the Chinese way of living and became like the Chinese. Many of the strongest dynasties of China were ruled by the northern people, including the Qin, Tang, Yuan Mongolian, and Qing. Each time, they also brought new elements into the Chinese culture. While China achieved many things in the First millennium and early 2nd millennium, it became an isolationist country in the 1. C. E. This was because Spain found enormous silver in the new continent, which was the main currency money in China and Europe at the time, and China did not want to be bought by the foreigners. By the time of the Renaissance, European powers started to take over other countries in Asia. While China was never actually taken over, many Europeancountries, such as Britain and France built spheres of influence in China. Since China had cut itself off from the world over the previous few centuries, by the Qing Dynasty, it had fallen behind other countries in technology, and was helpless to stop this from happening. This had become clear when it lost the Opium Wars to Britain in the 1. In 1. 91. 1, the Republic of China was founded by Sun Yat sen, but its government was very weak. Warlords controlled many areas. Chiang Kai shek led wars against them, and he became President and dictator. In 1. 93. 1, Japan invaded Manchuria, a place in the northeastern part of China. On July 7, 1. 93. Japanese attacked the rest of the country, starting what was called the Second Sino Japanese War. The war later became part of World War II. The war was fought for eight years and millions of Chinese people were killed. However, the Chinese Civil War later started between the Kuomintang Nationalists of the Republic of China ROC and the Communists of the Peoples Republic of China PRC. Movies With Ilivid. The Communists wanted to make China like the Soviet Union, whereas the other side wanted to keep China in its current state at the time. The Communists were led by Mao Zedong, Liu Shaoqi and others. Later Liu lost influence with Mao and his death to this day remains unresolved. The Communists eventually won the war. The Nationalists led by Chiang Kai shek fled to the island of Taiwan and set up their new capital city in Taipei. After the Chinese Civil War, the Communist leader Mao Zedong declared a new country, the Peoples Republic of China PRC, in Beijing on September 2. This was followed by a large celebration in Tiananmen Square on October 1, which became the new countrys first National Day. Under Mao the country stayed poor while Taiwan became richer. His attempt at industrialization and collectivization with the Great Leap Forward led to the deaths of many people from famine. The Cultural Revolution caused great social upheaval. After 1. 97. 6, China underwent market economy reforms under Deng Xiaoping, and experienced rapid economic growth. China is now one of the largest economies in the world, relying mainly on exports. In recent history, China has had problems with protests, blocking of information on the Internet, and censorship of news. Tian An Men Massacre. China is the origin of Eastern martial arts, called Kung Fu or its first name Wushu. China is also the home of the well respected Spa Monastery and Wudang Mountains. Martial art started more for the purpose of survival, defense, and warfare than art. Over time some art forms have branched off, while others have retained their distinct Chinese flavor. China has had renowned artists including Wong Fei Hung Huang Fei Hung or Hwang Fei Hung and many others. Art has also co existed with a variety of paints including the more standard 1. Legendary and controversial moves like Big Mak are also praised and talked about within the culture.