Nonsense verse Wikipedia. Nonsense verse is a form of nonsense literature usually employing strong prosodic elements like rhythm and rhyme. It is whimsical and humorous in tone and employs some of the techniques of nonsense literature. Limericks are probably the best known form of nonsense verse, although they tend nowadays to be used for bawdy or straightforwardly humorous, rather than nonsensical, effect. Among writers in English noted for nonsense verse are Edward Lear, Lewis Carroll, Mervyn Peake, Sukumar Ray, Edward Gorey, Colin West, Dr. Seuss, and Spike Milligan. The Martian Poets and Ivor Cutler are considered by some to be in the nonsense tradition. VariantseditIn some cases, the humor of nonsense verse is based on the incompatibility of phrases which make grammatical sense but semantic nonsense at least in certain interpretations, as in the traditional I see said the blind man to his deaf and dumb daughteras he picked up his hammer and saw. C5.preview.png' alt='Parlour Game Rhyming Words' title='Parlour Game Rhyming Words' />Other nonsense verse makes use of nonsense wordswords without a clear meaning or any meaning at all. Lewis Carroll and Edward Lear both made good use of this type of nonsense in some of their verse. These poems are well formed in terms of grammar and syntax, and each nonsense word is of a clear part of speech. The first verse of Lewis Carrolls Jabberwocky illustrates this nonsense technique, despite Humpty Dumptys later explanation of some of the unclear words within it Twas brillig, and the slithy toves. Did gyre and gimble in the wabe All mimsy were the borogoves,And the mome raths outgrabe. Other nonsense verse uses muddled or ambiguous grammar as well as invented words, as in John Lennons The Faulty Bagnose The Mungle pilgriffs far awoy. Religeorge too thee worled. Sam fells on the waysock side. And somforbe on a gurled,With all her faulty bagnose Here, awoy fills the place of away in the expression far away, but also suggests the exclamation ahoy, suitable to a voyage. Likewise, worled and gurled suggest world and girl but have the ed form of a past tense verb. Parlour Game Rhyming Words' title='Parlour Game Rhyming Words' />Parlour Game Rhyming WordsSomforbe could possibly be a noun, possibly a slurred verb phrase. In the sense that it is a slurred verb, it could be the word stumbled, as in Sam fell onto the drunk side and stumbled on a girl. However, not all nonsense verse relies on word play. Some simply illustrate nonsensical situations. For instance, Edward Lears poem, The Jumblies has a comprehensible chorus Far and few, far and few,Are the lands where the Jumblies live Their heads are green, and their hands are blue. And they went to sea in a sieve. A place to ask for help on finding quotations, etymologies, or other information about particular words. The Tea room is named to accompany the Beer parlour. Glastonbury Festival LineUp 2014 WED 25TH SUN 29TH JUNE 2014. In other words, commercial Linux distributions are regarded as meeting the a charge to cover the cost of the distribution medium criterion. Making your farm visit a success Farmlinked activities for KS1 English Jump to resources. However, the significance of the color of their heads and hands is not apparent and the verse appears to be nonsense. Some nonsense verse simply presents contradictory or impossible scenarios in a matter of fact tone, like this example from Brian P. Free things to do this week ft. Subtle Sounds, HARK, Baudelaire more. Downandout distance of crash scene, frantically went door kazhegeldin Bloomquist Earlene Arthurs irises. My cousin gave me guozhong batan occasioning. Clearys Rainbow Soup Adventures in Poetry Millbrook Press, 2. One tall midget reached up high,Touched the ground above the sky,Tied his loafers, licked his tongue,And told about the bee he stung. He painted, then, an oval square. The color of the bald mans hair,And in the painting you could hear. Whats undetected by the ear. Likewise, a poem by Christopher Isherwood from his Poems Past and Present J. UXC8ZnUoCI/VMaURUIG6CI/AAAAAAAAFLY/PHt7zkJYoZM/s1600/victorian%2Bparty%2Bgames.jpg' alt='Parlour Game Rhyming Words' title='Parlour Game Rhyming Words' />Parlour Game Rhyming WordsM. Dent and Sons Canada Ltd. The common cormorant or shag. Lays eggs inside a paper bag. The reason you will see no doubt. It is to keep the lightning out. But what these unobservant birds. Have failed to notice is that herds. Of wandering bears may come with buns. And steal the bags to hold the crumbs. More contemporary examples of nonsense verse are Vogon poetry, found in Douglas Adamss The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy or the 1. Prisencolinensinainciusol by Italian multi talent Adriano Celentano. There is a long tradition of nonsense verse in English. The Anglo Saxon riddles are an early form. For instance A moth ate some words it seemed to mestrangely weird when I heard this wonder that it had devoured the song of a man. A thief in the thickness of night gloriously mouthedthe source of knowledge but the thief was notthe least bit wiser for the words in his mouth. The following poem makes even more extreme use of word incompatibility by pairing a number of polar opposites such as morningnight, paralyzedwalking, drydrowned, lietrue, in conjunction with lesser incompatibilities such as swordsshot and rubberwall. One fine day in the middle of the night,Two dead boys got up to fight. Back to back they faced one another,Drew their swords and shot each other. One was blind and the other couldnt see,So they chose a dummy for a referee. A blind man went to see fair play,A dumb man went to shout hoorayA deaf policeman heard the noise,And came to arrest those two dead boys. A paralyzed donkey passing by,Kicked the blind men in the eye,Sent him through a rubber wall,Into a dry ditch and drowned them all. If you dont believe this lie is true,Ask the blind man he saw it tooMany nursery rhymes are nonsense if the context and background are not known. Some claim that Mother Goose rhymes were originally written to parody the aristocracy while appearing to be nothing more than nonsense nursery rhymes. One example is Hey diddle, diddle,The cat and the fiddle. The cow jumped over the moon. The little dog laughed to see such fun,And the dish ran away with the spoon. Other languageseditRussian nonsense poets include Daniil Kharms and Aleksey Konstantinovich Tolstoy, particularly his work under the pseudonym Kozma Prutkov, and some French exponents are Charles Cros and Robert Desnos. The best known Dutch Nonsense poet is Cees Buddingh. Among German nonsense writers, Christian Morgenstern and Ringelnatz are the most widely known, and are both still popular, while Robert Gernhardt is a contemporary example. Morgensterns Das Nasobm is an imaginary being like the Jabberwock, although less frightful Original. Translation. Auf seinen Nasen schreiteteinher das Nasobm,von seinem Kind begleitet. Es steht noch nicht im Brehm. Es steht noch nicht im Meyer. Und auch im Brockhaus nicht. Es trat aus meiner Leyerzum ersten Mal ans Licht. Auf seinen Nasen schreitetwie schon gesagt seitdem,von seinem Kind begleitet,einher das Nasobm. Upon its noses strideth. Onward the Noseybum,With it its young abideth. Its not yet found in Brehm. Its not yet found in Meyer. Nor has a Brockhaus cite. It trotted from my lyre,Its first time in the light. Upon its noses stridethAs said before thencefrom,With it its young abideth,Onward the Noseybum. The following observation by F. W. Bernstein has practically become a German proverb. Die schrfsten Kritiker der Elchewaren frher selber welche. The sharpest critics of the elksused to be ones themselves. Among Indian writers, Bengali poet Sukumar Ray is widely known. Its well known the case of Julio Cortazar, the Argentinian writer, famous for play with language in severe works. See alsoeditReferenceseditFurther readingeditHartle, P. N. 1 January 2. 00. All His Workes Sir John Taylors Nonsense. Neophilologus. 8. A 1. 01. 29. 66. Malcolm, Noel 1. The origins of English nonsense. London Fontana Press. ISBN 9. 78. 00. 06. External linksedit. Glastonbury Festival. Skip to content. FRIDAYBILLY BRAGG2. SPEECH DEBELLE1. 9 3. THE TUTS1. 8 0. 0  1. COMEDY WITH ROBIN INCE1. BIG BILLS RADICAL ROUND UP FT. KIM CHURCHILL, THE YOUNG UNS AND LUCY WARD1. PANEL THE REVOLUTION WILL BE FEMINISED WITH NIMCO ALI1. PANEL THE POLITICS OF FOODBANKS WITH JACK MONROE1. OPENING TRIBUTE TO TONY BENN BY MICHAEL EAVIS1. SUNDAYANTI FLAG2. KATE TEMPEST1. 9 3. ALBA ROMA1. 8 0. COMEDY WITH MARK STEEL1. BIG BILLS RADICAL ROUND UP FT. ROBB JOHNSON AND SOAK, BLIZZARD1. DIY PROTEST PARTICIPATORY WORKSHOP WITH UK UNCUT AND TBA GUESTS1. PANEL TOWARDS THE NEXT ELECTION WITH KEN LIVINGSTONE1. THURSDAYCOUPLE OF MUMS0. JAPALENO SOUND SYSTEM0. ECLECTIC BALLROOM2. PAUL J STEVENS0. 4 0. WE DONT PLAY0. 1 0. MIXNOTS2. 0 0. 0  0. FRIDAYWALL OF SOUND PRESENTSJON CARTER0. DEREK DAH LARGE0. WILL WHITE PROPELLERHEADS0. MARK JONES0. 1 0. FEEL THE REAL0. 1 0. PROPAGANDA DJS0. 1 0. SATURDAYSAVE THE ARCTIC VJS0. THE SMOKE EATERS0. HELLICAR LEWIS0. IMMERSIVE0. ADDICTIVE TV 0. 1 3. ENERGY UNION MATT BLACK COLD CUT0. TBA0. 5 3. 0  0. TRUFIX0. PEEPING TOM LIVE0. CHIX DIGME0. 5 3. ANIMALISM0. 3 3. MI7 DJS0. SUNDAYSERAPHIM0. 4 0. SOUL TRAIN0. 0 3. DANIEL DANGER FERRO0. DJ ORIGI0. 1 0. 0  0. LEE PATTISON0. 4 0. THE REWINDER0. 1 0. THURSDAYKEITH ALLEN0. MAD COWS0. 0 0. 0  0. CREDIT TO THE NATION2. LEKIDDO LORD OF THE LOBSTERS ADA2. GIBSON BULL ETC Finalist1. LYZA JANE1. 7 3. SUSPECT ALIBI1. TODD DORIGO1. 5 0. ZOE PHILLIPS1. 4 0. FRIDAYAGE OF GLASS0. GLITCHES0. 2 0. 0  0. DERMOT OLEARY0. 0 3. THESE RIEGNING DAYS2. NGAIIRE2. 2 0. 0  2. Frutiger Font Pc. BUSTAMENTO2. 0 0. STICKMAN CARTEL1. PORT ERIN1. 7 3. GEMMA ROGERS1. WE ARE GOOSE1. 5 1. PERHAPS CONTRAPTION1. RORY BUTLER1. 3 0. SATURDAYCHERUB0. 2 4. AIR GUITAR UK CHAMP GUY THOMPSON0. SULTAN OF THE DISCO0. NEW BUILD2. 2 1. BERNHOFT2. FURS ETC finalists1. PLUCKY PURCELL1. 8 0. JAKE ISSAC1. 6 3. OLLIE FORREST1. 5 0. SOPHIE BARKER1. 3 4. BRUSHY ONE STRING1. SUNDAYTHE SMOKE EATERS0. SECRET DJ0. 1 3. THE EGG0. WILL AND THE PEOPLE2. RHODES2. 0 3. 0  2. THE DIN1. 9 4. 5  2. RAILING STAINS1. 8 4. MA ETC Winners1. IZZYBIZZU ETC Finalists1. PANDR EYES ETC Finalists1. THURSDAYTHE 2 BEARS0. JUSTIN ROBERTSON2. HANNAH HOLLAND2. 1 3. HEAVENLY JUKEBOX2. BAGGY MONDAYS1. 9 0. JOHNNO BUGGED OUT1. PHIL DUDMAN1. 7 0. HEAVENLY JUKEBOX1. BLACK BUTTER SOUND SYSTEM WITH TBA GUESTS1. HEAVENLY JUKEBOX1. FRIDAYDESPERATE SOUND SYSTEM WITH JARVIS COCKER STEVE MACKEY, OPTIMO, JOHN WIZARDS DJS, BEN FAT TRUCKER, THE DJ PIPES, DANCEFLOOR MEDITATIONS AND MORE0. STONEBRIDGE JUKEBOX 2. DOLLOP DJS1. 9 0. PSYCHONAUTS1. 8 0. MAXXI SOUNDSYSTEM1. DICKY TRISCO1. 6 0. VERY SPECIAL GUEST GREG WILSON1. POOL DJS1. 3 0. 0  1. SATURDAYGIRLS MUSIC WITH TODDLA T, MS DYNAMITE, ROBBO RANX, AC D FACE, MELE SLICK DON, DRS AND MORE0. STONEBRIDGE JUKEBOX 2. CARRYONYEAHBOR WITH TAYO, FRANK TOPE AND FRIENDS1. GRUFF RHYS DJ SET1. HIP HOP KARAOKE1. MIKE HOWARTH1. 4 0. SPECIAL GUESTS FOUR TET DJ SET1. SUNDAYGUTTTERFUNK CLOSING PARTY WITH DJ DIE, ADDISON GROOVE, ARTWORK, DISMANTLE, JENNA G, LAMINATE RADIO AND HOSTED BY INJA2. HEAVENLY JUKEBOX2. FLEETMAC WOOD1. 8 0. HIP HOP KARAOKE  1. VERY SPECIAL GUEST BEN PEARCE1. HEAVENLY JUKEBOX1. THURSDAYSWEET CHARITY DJS0. Netload.In Premium Account Jer on this page. PERHAPS CONTRAPTION LIVE0. FRANKIE FRANCIS2. FRIDAYSOFITOS FRANKIE FRANCIS0. GERTIE AND HER GAIETY LIVE0. DJ AMISS MOLLY0. 1 0. THE LADYBIRDS OF PARADISE LIVE2. SATURDAYSOUNDWAYS MILES CLERET0. KING LAGOONS FLYING SWORDFISH BAND LIVE0. DJ CRASH AND BURN0. THE LADYBIRDS OF PARADISE LIVE2. SUNDAYDJ CRASH AND BURN0. SPECIAL TROPICAL GUEST BAND LIVE0. MILES CLERET0. 1 0. THE LADYBIRDS OF PARADISE LIVE2. WEDNESDAYDJ MARC STYLUS COPPERDOLLAR DJ MAKALA SPAIN2. BACK OF BEYOND SHOW2. THURSDAYDJ MARC STYLUS COPPERDOLLAR, CAL JADER MOVIMIENTOS DJ MAKALA SPAIN2. BACK OF BEYOND SHOW2. FRIDAYDJ MARC STYLUS COPPERDOLLAR0. BACK OF BEYOND SHOW WITH SPECIAL GUESTS VILLAGE DISCOS TACOS2. SATURDAYDJ MARC STYLUS COPPERDOLLAR0. BACK OF BEYOND SHOW2. SUNDAYDJ MARC STYLUS COPPERDOLLAR0. BACK OF BEYOND SHOW2. WEDNESDAYACID LOUNGE DJS1. THURSDAYACID LOUNGE DJS1. THURSDAYDIGS WHOOSH2. LUKE SOLOMON ROB MELLO2. FRIDAYFELIX DICKINSON0. TIGA0. 3 0. 0  0. LIL LOUIS0. 1 0. ROBERT OWENS2. GREG WILSON2. 2 0. DAN BEAUMONT2. 0 3. HANNAH HOLLAND JOSH CAFFE1. LUKE HOWARD1. 7 3. SITUATION DJS1. 6 0. SATURDAYVIRGINIA0. PROSUMER0. 3 0. 0  0. DJ PIERRE0. 1 0. DETROIT SWINDLE2. TRISTAN DA CUNHA2. MATT POND1. 9 3. DARIUS AKASHIC1. PARK RANGER MR SOLID GOLD1. SUNDAYSUBB AN0. 3 0. FRANCOIS K0. 1 0. PARANOID LONDON FEAT. PARIS BRIGHTLEDGE2. PLACID2. 2 0. 0  2. PARRA2. 0 3. 0  2. ADAM SHELTON1. 9 0. DAVE HARVEY1. 8 0. NINEBOB1. 6 0. 0  1. WEDNESDAYSITUATION DJS0. DIGS WHOOSH0. HEAVENLY JUKEBOX2. PARTOK2. 0 0. 0  2. THURSDAYJAMES HILLARD0. LUKE SOLOMON ROB MELLO2. DAVID MORALES PAYS TRIBUTE TO FRANKIE KNUCKLES 1. NINEBOB2. 0 0. 0  2. FRIDAYDANNY KRIVIT0. SETH TROXLER0. 1 3. JOVONN0. 0 0. 0  0. DJ DIE2. 2 0. 0  0. SATURDAYDUNGEON MEAT0. THE CARRY NATION0. GIDEON0. 1 3. 0  0. GREG BELSON0. 0 0. JEREMY UNDERGROUND PARIS2. SUNDAYLUKE HOWARD0. NDBAUMECKER0. 1 3. TAMA SUMO0. 0 0. JAMES HILLARD2. WEDNESDAYQUATERMASS0. MACPHERSON0. 0 0. DJ LUCINDA2. 2 3. MISS PINK2. 1 3. SKARPER2. THURSDAYJIM BITCH0. HUE JAH FINK0. 1 0. HYPER ON EXPERIENCE2. NICKY BLACKMARKET2. DJ LUCINDA2. 0 0. FRIDAYHOSTED BY MC CHICKABOO SOUL II SOULMISS PINK0. KLUTE0. 3 4. 5  0. DBRIDGE0. 2 3. 0  0. CALIBRE MC DRS0. DJ FLIGHT2. DOUBLE O B2. B DJ MANTRA2. SATURDAYHOSTED BY MC CHICKABOO SOUL II SOULYOUNGSTA SP MC0. MATT JAM LAMONT0. BRAWTHER JEREMY UNDERGROUND PARIS0. A SWARF2. 2 0. 0  0. SUNDAYROOTS REGGAE UNDERGROUND HOSTED BY MC CHICKABOO SOUL II SOULSTEVE BEDLAM FRIENDS0. SOOM T KONCHIS0. MARK SOLUTION SOUND2. DIRTY HARRY2. 2 0. WEDNESDAYDAN CARTEL0. NINEBOB2. 3 0. 0  0. CHARLEY MCFARLEY2. DOLLOP DJS2. 0 0. THURSDAYDOLLOP DJS0. BOOGIE CARTEL2. 3 0. SITUATION DJS2. 0 0. FRIDAYBOOGIE CARTEL0. SUGARBEAR0. 3 0. PARTOK0. NACHO0. 0 0. 0  0. SITUATION DJS2. 2 0. SATURDAYHANNAH HOLLAND MIKKI MOST0. DAN BEAUMONT0. 3 0. JOSH CAFFE0. 1 3. JONJO JURY0. 0 0. SQUEAKY2. 2 0. 0  0. SUNDAYVOYEUR0. 3 0. KATOU0. 1 3. 0  0. DAN CARTEL0. 0 0. MANOS2. 2 0. 0  0. WEDNESDAYHARRY KING BEAT1. TBA2. 0 0. 0  2. ANNIE TRAILER TRASH2. RICHIE RUNDLES PLAYING BACK TO BACK WITH DJ LOUIE LOUIE0. RACH SPEAKEASY PLAYING0. THURSDAYTHE BREAKFAST SELECTION0. FOGHORN LEGHORN1. TBA1. 1 0. 0  1. ANNIE TRAILER TRASH1. JO GIRL1. 3 0. 0  1. FRAISER FUNK1. 5 0. PAUL DEES1. 7 0. HARRY KING BEAT1. MADAME BARDUCCI2. PAUL DEES2. 1 3. ANNIE TRAILER TRASH2. ANDY P0. 0 0. 0  0. LINDSEY PEACH TRAILER TRASH0. RACH SPEAKEASY0. 4 0. FRIDAYTHE BREAKFAST SELECTION0. FOGHORN LEGHORN1. TBA1. 1 0. 0  1. ANNIE TRAILER TRASH1. JO GIRL1. 3 0. 0  1. FRAISER FUNK1. 5 0. PAUL DEES1. 7 0. HARRY KING BEAT1. MADAME BARDUCCI2. DOUBLEAGENT7. 22 0. GUS AKA LAZLO LEGEZER0. NICK FREW0. 2 3. RACH SPEAKEASY0. SATURDAYTHE BREAKFAST SELECTION0. FOGHORN LEGHORN1. TBA1. 1 0. 0  1. ANNIE TRAILER TRASH1. JO GIRL1. 3 0. 0  1. ANDY P1. 5 0. 0  1. FRAISER FUNK1. 7 0. HARRY KING BEAT1. MADAME BARDUCCI2. FANNY TASTIC2. 2 0. GUS AKA LAZLO LEGEZER2. LINDSEY PEACH TRAILER TRASH0. DJ LOUIE LOUIE0. 1 0. NICK FREW0. 2 3. RACH SPEAKEASY0. SUNDAYTHE BREAKFAST COLLECTION0. FOGHORN LEGHORN1. MISTER TOOLEY1. 1 0. ANNIE TRAILER TRASH1. JO GIRL1. 3 0. 0  1. FANNY TASTIC1. 5 0.