Heres an update on the Slipknot and Nickelback Twitter feud Smash Mouth has stepped in to mediate. Yas. Community newspaper for Yelm, Roy, McKenna, Rainier, Tenino and Eatonville. Includes Yelm Cinemas listings, local sports, features and news, and advertising. View Smashbox Photo Finish Foundation Primer and earn Advantage Card points on purchases. Smash Mouths Steve Harwell Hospitalized, Memphis Concert Canceled. Smash Mouth singer Steve Harwell was hospitalized on Thursday, forcing the band to cancel its concert in Memphis, Tennessee. According to the bands manager Robert Hayes, Harwell was having difficulty breathing during the bands sound check at the New Daisy Theater and was taken to the hospital for treatment. The venue later announced on Facebook that the concert would be canceled due to an emergency illness with a member of the band. Harwells condition was related to his cardiomyopathy, a heart disease he was diagnosed with two years ago. Hayes said Harwell is just fine and will be released from the hospital sometime on Friday. Also Read Smash Mouth Frontman Steve Harwell Collapses During Concert. Smash Mouth Images' title='Smash Mouth Images' />Super Smash Bros. Wii U is the fifth installment of the Super Smash Bros. Sora Ltd. and Bandai Namco Games. While this game and. Pilot whales that stranded on February 10 on Farewell Spit, New Zealand Photo Deb PriceNew Zealand Department of Conservation Media Release A mass. Smash-Mouth8217s-8216All-Star8217-as-a-Bach-chorale-is-one-of-life8217s-greatest-gifts.png' alt='Smash Mouth Image' title='Smash Mouth Image' />Harwell is expected to return to performing on Friday with the bands show at the Wildey Theatre in Edwardsville, Illinois. Fans who missed out on Thursdays show were refunded the ticket costs, and the venue said it is working to reschedule the concert. This is not the first time Harwells health has disrupted a Smash Mouth show. Last August, Harwell collapsed on stage at a show in Illinois and was taken away in an ambulance. It was 5. 0 years ago today on June 2, 1. Beatles unleashed Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band on an unsuspecting world, upping the rock game to a level that most musicians are still trying to match. In honor of the 5. The. Wrap presents 5. Beatles landmark masterpiece. The fictional band name was inspired by salt and pepper packets. As Paul Mc. Cartney has mentioned, the genesis of the name came during a flight he was on with Beatles road manager Mal Evans. We were having our meal and they had those little packets marked S and P. Mal said, Whats that mean Oh, salt and pepper. We had a joke about that, Mc. La Piovra 3 Episode 1. Cartney recalled. So I said, Sergeant Pepper, just to vary it. Sergeant Pepper, salt and pepper, an aural pun. A Day in the Life contains a sound that only dogs can hear. The epic John Lennon song that closes the album has plenty of strange noises, but one of them is meant just for the canines. Wed talk for hours about these frequencies below the sub that you couldnt really hear and the high frequencies that only dogs could hear. We put a sound on Sgt. Pepper that only dogs could hear, Mc. Cartney noted during a BBC interview. Ringo Starr made Lennon and Mc. Cartney change the lyrics to With a Little Help From My FriendsIt takes a lot of nerve to dictate how a songwriting team as successful as Lennon and Mc. Cartney how to pen tunes, but Starr did exactly that for his Sgt. Peppers centerpiece song. The song With a Little Help From My Friends was written specifically for me, but they had one line that I wouldnt sing. It was, What would you do if I sang out of tune Would you stand up and throw tomatoes at me Starr has recalled. Ringo, remembering the jelly beans that fans threw at the group during the Beatlemania heyday and wary that he would be bombarded with tomatoes if he sang the lyric as it was, insisted on a line change. The girl who inspired Shes Leaving Home had actually met the Beatles years before, and they were unaware of it. The song was inspired by the story about runaway Melanie Coe that Mc. Cartney had read in the Daily Mail. Years before, Coe had met the group during a 1. Ready Steady Go, after winning a miming competition on the music TV show and Mc. Cartney presented Coe with her award. Only years later did she find out the song was about her. Jesus Christ was considered for inclusion among the array of people on the album cover. Lennon had suggested that Christ be included in the sea of faces adorning the cover, but the idea was nixed probably a wise decision, given that, just a year before, Lennon had caused an uproar with his comment that the Beatles were more popular than Jesus now. Adolf Hitler, however, made the cut for the cover sort of. Hitler was another suggestion of Lennons, and while he cant actually be seen on the final album cover, hes lurking in the background. Peter Blake, the artist who created the cover, told the Independent, If you look at photographs of the out takes, you can see the Hitler image in the studio. With the crowd behind there was an element of chance about who you can and cannot see, and we werent quite sure who would be covered in the final shot. Hitler was in fact covered up behind the band. A Day in the Life was banned by the BBCNow acknowledged as a rock classic, A Day in the Life was banned from airplay by the BBC because it was believed that the song promoted a permissive attitude toward drug use. So was Being for the Benefit of Mr. KiteThough Lennon drew his inspiration for the lyrics of Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite from an old circus poster hanging in his home, the BBC put the tune on its no play list because it contained the phrase Henry the Horse both Henry and horse being slang terms for heroin. Surprisingly, With a Little Help From My Friends was not subjected to a ban. This, despite the fact that the songs chorus prominently contains the line, I get high with a little help from my friends. Speaking of getting high, two of the Beatles were zooted for the album cover shoot. Perhaps the real surprise here is that only half of the Beatles were high for the shoot, given the time, But as Lennon noted, If you look closely at the album cover, youll see two people who are flying, and two who arent. Added Starr, Have a look at the cover and come to your own conclusion Theres a lot of red eyed photos aroundLucy in the Sky With Diamonds has been covered by an array of artists. New versions range from Flaming Lips and Miley Cyrus to the Black Crowes to William Shatner. Good Morning Good Morning was inspired by a jingle in a commercial for corn flakes. Hey, maybe breakfast really is the most important meal of the day. Mae West initially balked at being included on the album cover. Hollywood sex symbol West at first was resistant to having her image used, asking, What would I be doing in a lonely hearts club band She was later persuaded to go along with it after the group reached out to her. Elvis Presley was left off the cover, for the best of reasons. The Beatles initially planned to include the King on the cover, but eventually thought better of it. As Mc. Cartney explained, Elvis was too important and too far above the rest even to mention. The album ends on a very naughty note Keen eared fans with a thorough disregard for their turntables well being have long maintained that the inner groove of Sgt. Peppers, when played backwards, contains the phrase, We will f you like Supermen. Though he maintained that it was coincidental, Mc. Cartney acknowledged that he heard the same thing after being told of it. I. played it studiously, turned it backwards with my thumb against the motor, turned the motor off and did it backwards. And there it was, sure as anything, plain as anything. Well f you like Supermen. I thought, Jesus, what can you do1. Ringos greatest highlight while recording the album might not have been musical at all. While the consistently underrated Starr provided plenty of impressive drum tracks on Sgt. Peppers,  the drummer has said that the biggest memory I have of Sgt. Pepper. is I learned to play chess. Mc. Cartney wrote When Im 6. Onomatopoeia Literary Devices. Words such as grunt, huff, buzz and snap are words whosepronunciation sounds very similar to the actual sounds these words represent. In literature such words are useful in creating a stronger mental image. For instance, sentences such as the whispering of the forest trees or the hum of a thousand bees or the click of the door in the nighttime create vivid mental images.