Free Spay or Neutuer For Cats in Orange Park, FLSpay It Forward. Clay Humane is offering completely FREE CAT SPAYS and NEUTERS No qualifying paperwork or special requirements. No excuses Call 9. SPAY. Read more about the Clay County volunteer group working to help community cat colonies. Spread the word. Please print, post share Spay It Forward. Help Us Support This Program Now FREE For Feral Cats TooLow Cost or Free Spay Neuter Programs in the United States Florida For other states, click here. Coastal German Shepherd Rescue is a nonprofit 501c3 public charity based in Orange County, California since 2004. We are dedicated to finding loving homes for. This page provides information about Orange County Animal Services programs, including pet adoption, spayneuter, lost and found, and the presentation of information. Orange County Spay Neuter Program' title='Orange County Spay Neuter Program' />Orange County Spay Neuter ProgramOrange County Spay Neuter ProgramEvery Wednesday, at our vet clinic, is reserved for the first 4. FREE sterilization and rabies vaccination. Cats must be in humane traps or carrier. Ear notching is required. In the last three years, 1. FREE, preventing. Paperpro Stapler User Manual'>Paperpro Stapler User Manual. This Clay Humane initiative is aimed at lowering animal intake in area shelters thus reducing euthanasia in companion animals. Thirty five percent of cats in U. S. households are not spayed or neutered, yet the procedure is one of the most effective ways to reduce the homeless pet populationNote abies vaccination is included for cats taking part in the free spay neuter program only. Pre anesthetic blood work required for cats over 6 years of age not included. Spay today, call now for appointments 9. Trap Neuter Spay Feral Cats Black Orange Cat Foundation Plain City Ohio. Black Orange Cat Foundation or B O is named for two very special and very spoiled cats, Butler and Oswald. Butler, the B in B O is the black cat in the group, while Oswald, the O in B O is our orange feline. Although, we are especially fond of our black and orange cats and, yes, we love those black and orange tortie mixes, too, we do not just help cats of those colors. We help all cats, no matter their shading. Both Butler and Oswald were adopted from the Union County Humane Society in Marysville, Ohio. Butler stole our hearts, when, after being released from his cage, he ran up his new moms arm and perched atop her shoulder. Oswald, on the other hand, got our attention by screaming his head off until we finally came over and opened his cage door. Gta Iv Nds'>Gta Iv Nds. Whereupon, there was no putting him back inside without suffering permanent hearing loss. While these two mongrels were adopted from our local shelter, the rest of the cats who have padded into our lives have come looking for us. Like the hobos during the Great Depression who marked Xs on gates to let other hobos know where a kindly person lived who would give them a meal, these cats seem to have marked our homes to lead other unfortunate felines to our doors. Stray and abandoned, often very ill or injured, these cats led us to the idea of starting an organization to spay and neuter feral and stray cats in order to decrease the overpopulation problem and help cats who have no other angels looking out for them. The Big Give runs from 1. October 1. 0 to noon on October 1. Please donate by clicking here if you would like to help stray cats in the Plain City areaMadison, Union, Franklin and Champaign Counties. Thank you for your support Holiday shopping is easy with Amazons Holiday Gift Guides. Start. Witha. Smile at smile. Amazon donates to Black and Orange Cat Foundation. Res Q Threads. Support the Black and Orange Cat Foundation with every purchase from Res Q Threads. Check out the rescue apparel and accessories for you and your petBlack And Orange Cat Foundation. Kuranda Cat and Dog Beds. Forza 4 Mod Tool Xbox Problems. Our cats love to sleep on Kuranda Cat beds, but we dont have enough for everyone. If you would like to donate a bed at a special wholesale price for another cat to sleep in comfort, please donate a Kuranda cat bed. Collars by Katie. Everyone please check out the wonderful Collars by Katie. Katie is currently an employee at East Hilliard Vet Services and a vet student at Ohio State. Katie is offering to donate 2 per item sold cat collars, dog collars, leashes, harnesses to B O through January and 1 per item thereafter. There is a spot on her ordering window online that asks who referred you so shell know where the credit is due So if you do order something, write in that you found out about Katies wonderful items from B and OAnd please support Katie Collars by Katie. Stretch Scratch Scratch Pads for Caged Cats. Every caged cat deserves a scratcher Relieves stress and keeps cats exercised and entertained. You can order 6, 1. Black Orange Cat FoundationOrder from Stretchandscratch. Only 4. 9. 5 shipping for any size box Best Writing Winner in the Blog. Paws Awards. The Black and Orange Cat Foundation blog won the Best Writing Category in the Blog. Paws awards Halo, Purely for Pets and Free. Kibble. com donated 5,0. Halos Spots Stew to our kitties for winning Read about all of the winners. Black and Orange Logo Merchandise. Buy Black and Orange Logo merchandise, as well as stamps featuring rescued kitties on our online store at Zazzle. We at Simply. Cat. Breeds. org are pleased to present the Black and Orange Cat Foundation with a Cat Rescue Award for excellence in helping needy cats who need a warm home and some love. Simply Cat Breeds takes pride in acknowledging the best organizations around the country with our special award, recognizing them for their outstanding work the Black and Orange Cat Foundation is absolutely an organization we place among those that need recognition. Thank you for all the work you and your organization provide for cats in need. We know exactly how difficult and thankless a task it can be. Black and Orange Cat Foundation T Shirts. We have discovered the perfect attire to wear with anything, even a kilt your very own Black and Orange Cat Foundation t shirt. You can buy one for 1. Thanks to Brian for supporting usB O Cats is enrolled in Krogers Community Rewards Program. Kroger will distribute up to 1. The amount earned will be based on the percentage of spending credited to each organization. You can help by registering for the program on the Kroger website. You will need your Kroger Plus Card number or phone number to register and must use the cardphone number when making purchases. The number you will need to use in order to designate your purchases toward The Black and Orange Cat Foundation is 8. Sign up for the Kroger Community Rewards Program now Detailed signup instructions here. Shelter Stories Mutts Comics. To read about Fannies continued story, search for the cartoons dated April 2. May 2, 2. 00. 9 on the Mutts Comics website. Click comic below to enlarge. MUTTS PATRICK MCDONNELL. KING FEATURES SYNDICATE.