GateWall_Antispam/src/21.jpg' alt='Best Antispam Program Review' title='Best Antispam Program Review' />The best email clients for Windows 2. Matteo Spinellis Cubiq. An update to my previous guide was long overdue. What did change in the last two years Unfortunately not much, the Windows email client landscape is still sad and stagnant but there are some good news and a couple of new entries so I thought it was time for an update. The short story is for regular not too intense use go for Thunderbird power users can try The Bat or Claws if email is mission critical, Outlook. Best Antispam Program Review' title='Best Antispam Program Review' />OpenVAS is a vulnerability scanner that was forked from the last free version of Nessus after that tool went proprietary in 2005. OpenVAS plugins are still written in. Nessus is one of the most popular and capable vulnerability scanners, particularly for UNIX systems. It was initially free and open source, but they closed the source. May 9, 2017 QIRX SDR A New MultiMode RTLSDR Program with BuiltIn DAB Decoder. Meaning we are all doomed Lets start from a new entry. Claws Mail is a Sylpheed spin off but grew its own personality over time. Despite being lesser know email clients at least in the Windows realm and a bit old school, they are both actively developed. Actually they are updated more often than the bigger brother alternatives. I used Claws Mail extensively on both Windows and Linux, its a solid email solution with a lot of plugins. I consider it a hard core client, configuration is rather complicated especially for gmail accounts, but its pretty stable. The graphics interface is like 1. You can change layout view, group messages by threads and save sent mail into the same folder of the message you are replying to ala Gmail. It is not without fault, though. Apart from the configuration complexity, Gmail integration is not ideal. Best Antispam Program Review' title='Best Antispam Program Review' />You have to tinker with your google account and sometimes the drafts are not deleted after you send the message. LiveOutlook accounts work well but they are pretty slow and sometimes the connection is lost most likely a Microsoft issue since it happens with the official client too. It is instead incredibly good at plain ol IMAP. All the accounts I have on my servers work like a charm. Best Antispam Program Review' title='Best Antispam Program Review' />Qihoo 360 Total Security 2016 review Qihoo is in the doghouse for cheating in official tests this year, but if you can look past the integrity issues and tweak a. Why You May Need Portable Antivirus Applications Present day antivirus and security software operate on postevent basis. First a virus or malware is discovered. Fast, smooth and it doesnt create funky foldersfiles on the server. So if all you have are standard IMAPS or POP3 for the matter accounts, Claws mail really shines. My vote 3. 4 5. An all time favorite. Its not a free software, but the 2. At Ritlabs they take security very seriously and they made of encryption and malware protection their flagship but the interface is outdated, reminiscent of a Windows XP era that we all love but also trying to forget. The configuration of common email services outlook, gmail, yahoo, is probably the easiest and fastest Ive seen so far just fill email address and password and everything is up and running in seconds. Gmail two factor authentication is also taken care of without breaking a sweat. Same goes for custom IMAPPOP servers but beware that certificate exceptions are not allowed so you better do your self signed certificates right. The client features a custom HTML viewer for a better malware protection. It is generally good enough but it certainly doesnt shine. Looking at HTML emails is a bit like browsing the web on Internet Explorer 5. Power. Mac G4 you have in the attic. The biggest problem with The BatChanging even the smallest of the details in the user interface becomes a long and tedious endeavor. Options are often named in weird ways and updates to the layout are not shown in real time but you have to go into the preferences, apply the changes, hope that you picked the right check box and start all over again. If you can get your head around the configuration process, well then, you can hardly beat The Bat My vote 3. Mozilla abandoned their beloved email client and thats the best thing that could have happened to Thunderbird. The community picked it up and not long ago they released the first community edition. Mozilla was not clearly able or interested to dedicate resources to Thunderbird but the community could save the go to Outlook alternative. I installed the latest beta which is actually due for release today to get an idea of what the next version will be. I believe the most welcome addition is the maildir support. You could already enable maildir compared to mbox, but it has always been an unsupported feature this time you can select it directly from the advanced options. This means that we can finally save one file per email instead of having one huge file with everything inside. Something that has been requested since the dawn of time but never made it to an official release. New account configuration is painless, everything worked out of the box including two step verification. IMAP feels less snappy than on Claws or The Bat Thunderbird is a heavier software, but it is also powered by Firefox and it supports a gazillion plugins. Gmail integration seems noticeably better than two years ago, and I havent encountered major issues in the little time I tested it. Custom IMAP accounts may need some advanced configuration based on your server setup, but nothing terribly complicated. I discouraged using Thunderbird in my previous article, but now, in this new incarnation and with the community support I think it is once again the number one email reader choice. My vote 3. 6 5. Ill try to stay objective here but before I start I need to give you some background story. When I first reviewed Mailbird almost two years ago it was version 1 point something I discovered that the software was phoning home personal information email address, name and session ID to a Mailbird server. Not only that, but they were transferring data in plain text over an unprotected connecting. I was pretty shocked that all of the reviews at the time failed to mention that and I realized that most of the best email clients blog posts on the internet are just click baits. Anyway, I asked for an explanation to the developers about the curious behavior of their software and I got a reply from their CTO where he says that they are not breaking any law, your email is not considered personal information and their users never complained. I blogged about my findings and after few months, when my post reached the top of google search results, Mailbird contacted me saying that they solved the issue. They did not. They just obfuscated the same info they were already sending to themselves there was still no encryption and still no opt out. More months passed and with Mailbird v. Will it be true Time to check it out. I installed the latest version and fired a packet sniffer. If you dont disable the usage sharing, Mailbird indeed sends analytics to mixpanel and to one of their server hosted on unoeuro a cheap 1 euro hosting service. If you opt out they dont send data to mixpanel, but theres still encrypted communication with 9. Funnily enough that same IP resolves to magicalmailapp. Mailbird previously used to leak data. I cant say what they are sharing, but surely the opt out is not completely opting you out. UPDATE Ive been contacted by Mailbird CTO, he ensures me that the connection to magicalmailapp. Youd think that at least they are storing information on a super secure dedicated server, it turned out that the IP is shared with 4. If you are aware of all the above and still willing to use Mailbird, I tested it for you anyway. The application has an attractive and modern interface, you rarely see such well designed interfaces on Windows but its still a bit laggy even on my super powered rig. Email accounts are easy to setup and everything seems to work out of the box. Development is also very fast and aggressive. Lately I saw a new version coming at least every other week. I find it a bit annoying when an application updates too often, but at least you know that it is a lively email client. Mailbird also supports plugins. Mc. Afee Antivirus Plus 2. Protecting your device, be it a tablet, PC or tablet, against security problems will help a lot later on. Why Well, a powerful security product keeps you safe from people who want to steal data from your gadget. If that data is very important to you, not having a well protected device means losing everything you hold dear. Mc. Afee, Inc. is an American company which first appeared in 1. The group specializes in manufacturing security software for a number of devices. No matter of youre an individual user or a business with many employees, you need something very efficient to protect all your products. Mc. Afee Antivirus Plus and Live. Safe are the kind of protection software that makes sure your smartphone, computer or tablet doesnt experience security issues. For todays review we did a full analysis of both the Antivirus Plus 2. Live. Safe, which is the premium security package offered by Mc. Afee. 1. System requirements and installation. To enjoy the full benefits of the Mc. Afee Antivirus Plus and Live. Safe 2. 01. 7, the device you install it on needs particular requirements. If you want to have it on your smartphone or tablet, make sure the latter runs Google Android 4. OS 9 or later. Computers with Windows versions 7, 8, 8. As are PCs running Mac OS X 1. Make sure your Internet connection for all your gadgets is high speed. As usual, we installed both security solutions on multiple computers and virtual devices to see how the antivirus dealt both when it was installed and when it was used. Both Mc. Afee products did a superb job no matter the operating system or hardware of the device installed on. The installation process doesnt end very quickly, due to the fact that the majority of files inside the antivirus are downloaded during it. This also happens in the case of Bit. Defender and Norton Security, because the installation kit occupies little space and the rest of the files are downloaded when the installation process begins. After the Live. Safe option is installed, it will need online activation. To do this, create a Mc. Afee account for which youll require an email address and a password. The activation is over in a couple of seconds. You wont need to confirm the email used for the registration. After the account is created, youll benefit from account management options, as well as management of all profiles associated with the account. Also, youll be able to manage licenses, access other Mc. Afee product and youll have the possibility to contact the support team. We recommend activating this option. If you do, it will help you manage a number of devices. You can access the account online. The details concerning the activity of the security products already installed will be reported to the Mc. Afee cloud. We will continue our review with a detailed analysis of both security solutions and what they can do. Features. Whereas Live. Safe 2. 01. 7 is a complete security suite, the Mc. Afee Antivirus Plus comes with some of its features. Our review will have notes showing which features are available only with the Live. Safe version. Mc. Afee integrated a series of interesting features in their security software suites. Here they are a very robust antivirus Antispam filter with high efficiency excellent Parental Controls firewall Web protection known as Siteadvisor or Webadvisor that can detect phishing sites or malware infected websites. Antivirus. Available in the case of both security solutions reviewed here, the Antivirus module comes with antivirus, antimalware and antiransomware features. Its easy to use and efficient. The interface chosen by Mc. Afee is kind of outdated compared to what competitors offer. This does in no way affect the very good performance of the module. We tested the module both for the Live. Safe and the Mc. Afee Antivirus Plus 2. Results were identical or almost identical. The first test we did was to determine the way the antivirus deals with a sudden cyber threat. We created an EICAR test file and tried to save it. The antivirus module reacted immediately by blocking the file and automatically moving it to quarantine, where malware files cant damage a computer. We also used the antivirus module to scan multiple files, complete partitions and infected files from a database. You can choose from quick, full or custom scanning. The Mc. Afee Antivirus Plus 2. You can choose an interval when you know you wont be using your computer. The scanning will be performed during those hours. The antivirus has scheduled scanning by default. If you want to turn it off, you need to go to Virus and Spyware protection Scheduled scan Turn off. We tested the real time scanning in controlled environments represented by intentionally infected computers or devices with inactive files that could be potentially destructive during the running. The Mc. Afee Antivirus Plus and the Live. Safe 2. 01. 7 performed very well when we tested them. Malware files Trojans, spyware, viruses were quickly removed and moved to quarantine. Detection rate of infected files is excellent. Old Sonic Games. We didnt deal with infected files that the antivirus couldnt detect. Another great thing about the antivirus suite reduced number of false negative reports compared to other security solutions. Antispam. The Antispam filter is another pleasant surprise from Mc. Afee. This feature is only available for the Live. Safe security suite. We tested this filter to check its efficiency using various scenarios unsolicited, infected and phishing emails. The antispam filter worked flawlessly every single time. The antispam module comes with advanced settings and five different levels to filter spam minimal, limited, balanced, aggressive and restricted. After automatically marking filtered emails, you can decide what happens to them. By default, Mc. Afee will automatically move them to a folder called Spam. The antispam toolbar works very well both with modern Microsoft Outlook versions and Mozilla Thunderbird. It allows you to filter using certain keywords of your choosing. The feature also lets you block certain character types like Arabic or Farsi, for example or filter web emails. Parental controls. If you have kids or want limited access to certain websites for some members of your family, the Parental controls module integrated in the Live. Safe version is the way to go. The Antivirus Plus 2. We tested the filter to see how efficient it was and how much it could protect against information and sites unsuited for a certain age group. Parental controls has several filtering and traffic blocking versions, depending on various predefined age groups under 5 years, 6 8 years, 9 1. After choosing an age group, you can have additional settings based on the type of information you want to block. Adult, gambling or drug related sites not recommended to minors are blocked by default when Parental controls is activated. You can change the settings of a default filter or you can opt for Custom filtering whenever its possible to perform the action based on various parameters. After the settings are chosen, Parental controls will require a block password. This is needed so that only you can modify filters. Kids wont be able to unblock or change them. The filtering traffic module for certain types of users also lets you activate or deactivate it during various hours. This is only possible when more than one person uses the same computer and one of them is an adult.