DLkfhcIOkg/hqdefault.jpg' alt='16F628a Serial Port' title='16F628a Serial Port' />Easy. Prog PIC Programmer. The DIP package version when available for the following PICs can be. I have built this project to burn my small PICs This is a serial programmer works on the RS232 PC serial port, known as JDM Programmer, thanks to the site. This thing will not work on all modern pCs. The ATX specs for Serial ports have lowered port voltages and hence will only give read and write errors. PonyProg Serial Device Programmer 0. MB PonyProg is a serial device programmer software with a user friendly GUI framework available for Windows9598MENT2000. EasyProg PIC Programmer Last Updated 14 July 2008 This product has been discontinued. The EasyProg is a low cost device for writing the program and other information. ZIF socket. 1. 6F7x 1. F7. 3, 1. 6F7. 4, 1. F7. 6, 1. 6F7. 7. F8. 4 1. 6F8. 3, 1. F8. 4, 1. 6F8. 4A. F8x 1. 6F8. 7, 1. F8. 8. 1. 6F6. 2x 1. F6. 27, 1. 6F6. 27. A, 1. 6F6. 28, 1. F6. 28. A. 1. 6F6. SE2u216L4YQ/T1MLkKSVl2I/AAAAAAAAAMM/cy8nWHRsuj8/s1600/sht.JPG' alt='16F628a Serial Port' title='16F628a Serial Port' />16F628a Serial PortElectronic Circuit Schematics. Note that all these links are external and we cannot provide support on the circuits or offer any guarantees to their accuracy. TNCX is available in two versions with and without a USB port. Both versions contain a standard serial port, but the USB version also allows the TNC. F6. 48. A. 1. 6F7. F7. 16. 1. 6F7x. 7 1. F7. 37, 1. 6F7. 47, 1. F7. 67, 1. 6F7. 77. F8. 1x 1. 6F8. 18, 1. F8. 19. 1. 6F8. 7x 1. F8. 70, 1. 6F8. 71, 1. F8. 72, 1. 6F8. 73, 1. F8. 74, 1. 6F8. 76, 1. F8. 77. 1. 6F8. 7x. A 1. 6F8. 73. A, 1. F8. 74. A, 1. 6F8. A, 1. 6F8. 77. A. Fxx. 2 1. 8F2. 42, 1. F2. 52, 1. 8F4. 42, 1. F4. 52. 1. 8Fxx. 8 1. F2. 48, 1. 8F2. 58, 1. F4. 48, 1. 8F4. 58. Fx. 22. 0 1. 8F1. F2. 22. 0, 1. 8F4. Fx. 32. 0 1. 8F1. F2. 32. 0, 1. 8F4. Fxx. 20 1. 8F6. 52. F6. 62. 0, 1. 8F6. F8. 52. 0, 1. 8F8. F8. 72. 0. 1. 8F6x. F8x. 8x 1. 8F6. 58. F6. 68. 0, 1. 8F8. F8. 68. 0. 1. 8Fxx. Fxx. 21. 1. 8F6. 52. F6. 62. 1, 1. 8F8. F8. 62. 1. The DIP package version when available for the following PICs can be. ZIF socket, but a modification must be made to the. To add support for these chips, connect pin 7. ZIF socket to pin 3. We recommend you permanently solder. Doing. so will not disable support for any other PICs. All the PICs listed. ZIF socket connected. Fxx. 31 1. 8F2. 33. F2. 43. 1, 1. 8F4. F4. 43. 1. The DIP package version when available for the following PICs have a. ZIF socket.   However, these PICs require a. Vpp programming voltage than the Easy. Prog produces. Although these PICs appear to work directly in the ZIF socket, we. Vpp pin.   This can be. ZIF socket or by using. ICD OUT connector. For. PICs we recommend a voltage divider of 1. Vpp pin, and 2. Kohms from the target Vpp pin to ground. F8. 8x 1. 6F8. 83, 1. F8. 84, 1. 6F8. 86, 1. F8. 87. 1. 6F9. 13, 1. F9. 14, 1. 6F9. 16, 1. F9. 17, 1. 6F9. 46. Fxx. 30 1. 8F1. 23. F1. 33. 0, 1. 8F1. ICD. 1. 8Fxx. 23 1. F2. 42. 3, 1. 8F2. F4. 42. 3, 1. 8F4. F2xx. 0, 1. 8F2x. Cara Mudah Mp3 Tanpa Software. F2xx. 5, 1. 8F4xx. F4x. 21, 1. 8F4xx. F2. 22. 1, 1. 8F2. F2. 41. 0, 1. 8F2. F2. 42. 3, 1. 8F2. F2. 45. 5. 1. 8F2. F2. 48. 0, 1. 8F2. F2. 51. 5, 1. 8F2. F2. 52. 3, 1. 8F2. F2. 55. 0, 1. 8F2. F2. 58. 0, 1. 8F2. F2. 61. 0, 1. 8F2. F2. 68. 0. 1. 8F2. F2. 68. 5, 1. 8F4. F4. 32. 1, 1. 8F4. F4. 42. 0, 1. 8F4. F4. 45. 0, 1. 8F4. F4. 45. 8, 1. 8F4. F4. 51. 0, 1. 8F4. F4. 52. 0. 1. 8F4. F4. 52. 5, 1. 8F4. F4. 55. 3, 1. 8F4. F4. 58. 5, 1. 8F4. F4. 62. 0, 1. 8F4. F4. 68. 2, 1. 8F4. F6x. 2x, 1. 8F8x. F6. 52. 7, 1. 8F6. F6. 62. 7, 1. 8F6. F8. 52. 7, 1. 8F8. F8. 62. 7, 1. 8F8. Fxx. 10, 1. 8Fxx. F6. 31. 0, 1. 8F6. F6. 41. 0, 1. 8F6. F8. 31. 0, 1. 8F8. F8. 41. 0, 1. 8F8. PICs that are supported in the current software but that have DIP packages. ZIF. 1. 0F2xx 1. F2. Ps2 Transfer Games From Usb To Hdd here. F2. 02, 1. F2. 04, 1. F2. 06. F2. 2x 1. F2. 20, 1. F2. 22. F5xx 1. F5. 08, 1. F5. 09, 1. F5. 10. F6xx 1. F6. 29, 1. F6. 35, 1. F6. 75, 1. F6. 83. F6. 0x, 1. F6. 1x, 1. F6. 1x. F6. 09, 1. HV6. 09, 1. F6. 15, 1. HV6. 15, 1. F6. 10, 1. HV6. 10, 1. F6. 16, 1. HV6. 16. F5xx 1. F5. 05, 1. F5. 06. F6xx 1. 6F6. F6. 31, 1. 6F6. 36, 1. F6. 39, 1. 6F6. 76, 1. F6. 77. 1. 6F6. 84, 1. F6. 85, 1. 6F6. 87, 1. F6. 88, 1. 6F6. 89, 1. F6. 90. The following PICs require an alternate firmware version and are not. Install Windows Service Using Msi Command. The current recommended firmware for these target. PICs is available on the software download. These target chips are not compatible with the ZIF socket. Fxxxx ds. PIC. 3. F2. 01. 0, 3. 0F2. F2. 01. 2, 3. 0F3. F3. 01. 1, 3. 0F3. F3. 01. 3, 3. 0F3. F4. 01. 1, 3. 0F4. F4. 01. 3, 3. 0F5. F5. 01. 3, 3. 0F5. F6. 01. 0, 3. 0F6. F6. 01. 1A, 3. 0F6. F6. 01. 2A, 3. 0F6. F6. 01. 3A, 3. 0F6.